Thursday, January 31

day 4: rose city

i love taking pictures of flowers. i am in no way a girlie girl but i love flowers. i was on a walk today and saw this cute little rose. the rest of the bush didn't have any leaves or anything but the rose was just beginning to open. does that mean that spring is around the corner despite 30 degree weather?! perhaps! sounds good to me.
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Wednesday, January 30

day 3: morning

when i took this picture at 6am today it looked sharp on my camera. i must have been sleeping or something cause it's totally out of focus!! it was also 30 something degrees out so maybe i was shivering and didn't notice. i really like the colors and the fact that this was taken with no flash. i like pictures of trees, they are pretty.

day 2: strange

it looks gross in real life but somehow taking a picture of it changes everything. it looks like art. the thought of the gross water makes me want to hurl and i can't understand why the person who's cigs this is doesn't empty this out from time to time. although i took this photo yesterday, i didn't have a chance to post it. second day and i've already failed the project. this is hard!! i took a ton of pictures but came home late and tired. i find that i am taking lots of crap pictures. hope it gets better.

Monday, January 28

day 1: introduction to me

i am undertaking a huge project. taking a picture everyday! sounds a little insane to me. i don't know if i have that kind of commitment. it's one thing to take pictures but to actually post and blog it everyday, now that is dedication! my favorite type of people picture is to take self-portraits! usually they include others but today it's just me. i have perfected the art of the self-portrait and can accurately take them with up to two other people without cutting off heads/ears/chins (altho cutting off double chins are fine). my whole family loves to take pictures so we always have cameras on us. it's a bit crazy to go on a vacation with them because we're always waiting for someone to take a picture.

this is the quintessential brandizzle picture, kind of surprised look and mouth open. usually it's a little more open and yelling something but this one is subdued. hopefully this is the only picture in the project of myself but you never know. i like myself. there is nothing really outstanding about my face or this picture but it's a start. it's a picture!! day 1.

i noticed that my eyes are actually lighter brown than i thought, perhaps it's the bright flash. my hair is growing out finally, but thankfully you can't see the back cause it's starting to look a bit like a mullet. yikes! the last time i got it cut was a nightmare. i had the perfect style and just wanted "a little trim" but instead got my head weed-whacked! don't fall asleep while getting your hair cut.

Sunday, January 27

project 365

this is something i've been finding more and more. people who love photography started this project where you take a picture and post it everyday. it is a great way to force yourself to be creative and find photos in unexpected places. i usually wait for something to inspire me but this way i will be looking for those special pictures. there aren't any rules except post one picture per day. this will be challenging as i am not great at sticking to doing something everyday. it will be awesome though because i will be taking more pictures and hopefully get better at photography by practice. i will start tomorrow.